

We were born to dance!

Dancing attunes our flexibility in movement with our consciousness of the beat and rhythm of the melody. It naturally expresses our inner selves. It moves us in all the ways we need to move to be healthy. It releases our stress. And it is joyous. It makes us happy. Nothing else we can do combines so many benefits in one activity. 

The GROOVE Dance Fitness Experience is the world’s easiest interactive exercise for body, mind, and soul!

Groove dance is gently guided in a way you cannot get it wrong. No choreography to follow, no moves to memorize, just a few simple steps to diverse styles of music, and then an exercise high like no other!
You will dance to different music genres from slow, meditative tracks, to heart-thumping and strength-building cardio beats!
No prior knowledge is necessary. You can get started grooving right away! You will feel uplifted, energized, confident, liberated, and happy! You will feel like you have sunshine floating through your body!

Join me to try a new way of exercising that will surely bring joy and energy to your day!

About the World Groove Movement

Groove Dance was founded by Misty Tripoli around 2007 and has now grown into the World Groove Movement. Groovers are dancing in more than 50 countries and about 700 Groove facilitators offer classes worldwide.

Who is Misty Tripoli and How was the “Groove Method” born?

A GROOVE dance floor is the happiest dancefloor in the world because your unique dance style is the priority!! 
Groove – Dance Yourself Happy

Physical limitations? Welcome to the club. In Groove, everyone dances in ways that express their range of motion, flexibility, strength, and confidence. If you have medical conditions or other limits, no one will push you further than you are willing or able to go. But your ability to express yourself with these limits will astound you. And as you dance, you will push your boundaries as you are ready and able. You will be the judge.

The best thing about GROOVING is that the different movements and the variety of music result in a comprehensive dance workout. Each song presents its own fitness challenge to be taken according to your abilities and fitness level.

You will experience many health benefits from grooving: your cardiovascular system is trained, your coordination is boosted, as well as your mobility, muscle endurance, strength, flexibility, balance, mindfulness, reflexes, body awareness, creativity, and sensory perception.

We will dance to the same beat and with the same movement, but each of you will dance as you can and like. Nobody stands at the front, nobody is at the back – the whole room dances to the same music and style but in their own unique way.